Investors looking to invest in Dominican Republic

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Fundraising in Dominican Republic:

  • The startup scene in the Dominican Republic is rapidly growing, with a focus on sectors such as tourism, fintech, and agtech.
  • In recent years, the government has shown an increased interest in supporting the local startup ecosystem, launching various initiatives and programs to promote entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Most Active Investors:
    • 1. Dominicana Capital
    • 2. Latam Founders
    • 3. Acelera Partners
    • 4. Magma Partners
    • 5. Endeavor Dominican Republic
  • Main Opportunities:
    • The Dominican Republic offers a large market with a growing middle class and a favorable business environment.
    • The country's strategic location and strong tourism industry make it an attractive destination for startups operating in related sectors.
  • Notable Startups:
    • 1. Vamos Rent-A-Car
    • 2. Yubamo
    • 3. Easypay
    • 4. WeSell
    • 5. RooMate