Investors looking to invest in Bulgaria

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Fundraising in Bulgaria:

Tech Industries:
  • Software Development: Bulgaria is a hub for software development and IT services. The country has a strong pool of tech talent and a competitive cost of living. Notable startups in this field include Telerik, Infragistics and ScaleFocus.
  • E-commerce: The e-commerce industry is growing in Bulgaria, with startups like Econt and Tenfour leading the way.
  • Fintech: The fintech sector is also on the rise, with startups like Payhawk and Moni gaining traction.
  • Venture capital funds and business angels are becoming increasingly active in Bulgaria. Some of the most active investors include Launchub, Eleven and LAUNCHub Ventures.
  • According to the Bulgarian Association of Software Companies (BASSCOM), the software development industry in Bulgaria attracted around EUR 44 million in investments in 2020.
Government Initiatives:
  • The government of Bulgaria has taken several steps to support the startup ecosystem. For example, it has launched a program to support innovation and entrepreneurship called "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Program."
  • The government has also established a number of business incubators and innovation centers, including the Bulgarian Innovation and Technology Agency, to provide support to startups.