TS Ventures

  • Schloßstr. 20, 51429 Cologne, Germany


Check size

200K - 600K

About us

TS Ventures is a venture capital firm based in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. They invest in early-stage and late-stage companies harnessing information growth and computing power to change the world. They have a team of experienced professionals who are committed to helping companies succeed. They provide venture capital funding, mentorship, and other resources to their portfolio companies. TS Ventures also has a legal entity, TS Ventures GmbH, and their website is www.tsventures.io. They are active on social media and have a portfolio of investments across a variety of industries.

Firm type

Angel Network

Value we add

We do not only invest capital but also love to work side-by-side with founders to achieve success together. With our diverse experience in entrepreneurship and Tech, we actively support founders with strategic decisions, business development, company-scaling, HR, as well as follow-on fundraising with institutional VCs.