Starburst Ventures

  • 840 Apollo Street, El Segundo, CA90245


Check size

200K - 1M

About us

Starburst Aerospace is a company operating as a startup accelerator and strategic advisory firm. They help existing and emerging aerospace companies access capital, resources, and skills. They provide mentorship, access to the largest aerospace and aviation stakeholders groups, and a platform to help clients gain visibility and traction. Starburst Aerospace offers a range of services, from capital raising and investor relations to market entry and growth strategies. They also provide research and consulting services, and have a network of aerospace and aviation experts ready to advise and support their clients.

Firm type

Venture Capital

Value we add

We are insiders of the A&D ecosystem: Prime contractors, Corporates, Startups, Government & Agencies. Besides helping you with general entrepreneurship challenges, we focus our value-add on Business Development, Government Affairs & Strategic Partnerships.